Concord General Services is hosting its annual E-Z Pay for WaterSense contest, inviting Concord water customers to enroll in the City of Concord’s E-Z Pay Program for a chance to win a Shower Better Bundle. The contest is being held for its eighth year in celebration of October being National Energy Awareness Month and EPA WaterSense’s Shower Better Month.
Three Concord water/sewer utility customers that enroll in E-Z Pay and submit a contest entry form by 5 p.m. on October 29, 2021 will be selected to win a Shower Better Bundle. Each bundle includes a WaterSense-labeled shower head, eco-friendly products from Bona Fide Green Goods, a shower timer, and other shower necessities to enjoy a luxurious shower while saving water, reducing energy use, and possibly even lowering utility costs.
E-Z Pay is an automatic payment program that transfers money from a customer’s authorized bank account to their utility service account for scheduled monthly bill payments. “E-Z Pay is the easiest way to pay your water bill,” said Utility Billing Program Manager, Terri Segalini. “It’s a safe, reliable, and convenient program that saves time and eliminates the worry of any late fees.” Customers enrolled in E-Z Pay still receive a monthly bill statement to be notified of the bill amount and date of the scheduled payment.
Customers can also enroll in eBilling on the contest entry form to double their chance to win. Enrollment options for eBilling include a choice to receive paperless PDF bills via email or to receive both eBills and a mailed paper bill statement.
The U.S. EPA WaterSense Program is a resource for saving water and a label for water-efficient products. WaterSense-labeled products are certified to use at least 20% less water, save energy, and perform as well as or better than regular models. The City of Concord has been a WaterSense Promotional Partner since 2014 to encourage water conservation and preserve Concord’s public water supply.
In addition to including a WaterSense-labeled shower head, Concord General Services is partnering with Bona Fide Green Goods this year to offer more eco-friendly shower products. “We offer this contest each year as an easy and fun way to get customers involved in saving water,” said Water Conservation Technician, Ian Chase. “We’re happy to offer a new element that aligns with our mission to promote conservation and sustainability, while supporting local business.” Items donated by Bona Fide Green Goods include package-free soap on a rope, plastic-free exfoliating soap saver bags, NH-made shampoo bars, and non-toxic fragrance-free bath bombs.
Shower better this October and enter the E-Z Pay for WaterSense contest. More information, official contest rules, and forms are available at www.concordnh.gov/watersense, 311 North State Street, or by calling the Utility Billing Office at 603-225-8693.