The City of Concord is pleased to announce that Matt Walsh has been named Deputy City Manager of Development, effective February 5, 2023.

Mr. Walsh began his career with the City in October 2001. Over the past 21 years, he has held a variety of positions within the Community Development Department and City Administration, including Director of Redevelopment, Downtown Services, and Special Projects; Assistant for Special Projects; and Community Development Project Manager. He was appointed Interim Deputy City Manager of Development in September 2022. During his tenure with the City, he has managed and been involved with numerous public / private partnerships and projects, including but not limited to the redevelopment of the former Allied Leather Tannery site into Penacook Landing; the City Wide Community Center; Merchants Way off of exit 17; the Merrimack Lodge at White Park; the former NH Employment Security property; and management of the City of Concord’s municipal parking system. He has also continued to successfully manage the City’s three Tax Increment Financing Districts; the RSA 79-E Community Revitalization Tax Relief Incentive Program; Revolving Loan Fund Program; Community Development Block Grant Program; and Brownfields Program.
As Deputy City Manager of Development, Mr. Walsh’s responsibilities include oversight of the Code, Engineering and Planning Divisions; the operation, development and maintenance of the Concord Municipal Airport; and several capital improvement projects. His role also includes coordination of the City of Concord’s community development and economic development initiatives, and oversight of development permitting activities.
“I am pleased to announce that Matt Walsh is moving into the Deputy City Manager of Development role permanently. We are fortunate to have his wealth of knowledge about Concord and his extensive experience in public administration and community development as he takes the next step in his career,” said City Manager Tom Aspell.
“I am humbled and honored to be selected for this exciting opportunity. I am eager to work with the entire community to move Concord forward on its path of continued success and prosperity,” said Mr. Walsh.
Mr. Walsh graduated from the University of New Hampshire cum laude with a BS in Community Development with a minor in Resource Economics. He also earned a Master Degree in Public Administration from UNH. Prior to joining the City, Mr. Walsh was Principal Planner at the Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission, and was Town Planner of Alton, New Hampshire. Since 2008, he has served on the NH Community Development Finance Authority’s Community Development Block Grant Advisory Committee. He is also a former member of Intown Concord’s Board of Directors, as well as the Concord Young Professionals Network (“CYPN”). Mr. Walsh is also graduate of the Leadership Concord Program (Class of 2011).
Mr. Walsh was the Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce’s 2017 “Young Professional of the Year” and is a member of the Union Leader’s “40 Under 40” Class of 2017.