Starting Thursday, June 6, at the Douglas N. Everett Arena in Concord, roller skating will be returning for its fourth summer. New hours this year include adult skating (ages 18 and up) on Thursdays from 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. and public skating on Fridays and Sundays from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Admission is only $5 and skate rentals are available if needed for an additional $5 at the Pro Skate Shop.
Opening night on Thursday for adult skating will feature an 80s theme – so bust out your acid washed jeans, neon, leg warmers, and big hair – and roll on back to the 80s with classic jams by Cyndi Lauper, Bon Jovi, Michael Jackson, Madonna, and more!
Roller skating will continue through July 28, 2019. There will be no skating on Thursday, July 4 due to the Independence Day holiday.
Private roller skating events can be booked by calling (603) 228-2784 or emailing everettarena@concordnh.gov. Private events only cost $125 an hour and include skate rentals. It's a great option for birthday parties, summer camp field trips, or rainouts!
Don’t miss this limited time roller skating! Visit www.concordnh.gov/rollerskating for more information. Find a list of all upcoming Everett Arena events at www.concordnh.gov/arenaevents.