Project History
Following the downtown Concord's last major improvements in the mid-1980’s and early 1990’s, several studies were completed over the past 20 years that have presented opportunities, planning visions, and design concepts in an effort to improve the downtown area of Concord. These studies include the:
2011 Rethinking Main Street
2006 Downtown Streetscape Improvement Plan
2005 Opportunity Corridor Study
2001 Concord 2020 Vision Report
1997 Downtown Master Plan
After 2011 interest by members of the community and the City of Concord grew to create a “new” Main Street to support mixed-use development, an enhanced sense of place, and an expanded pedestrian environment, while preserving and enhancing the authentic historic character of the downtown.
Our Main Street Redesign's Guiding Principle of Public Input
The project must preserve and enhance the economic vitality of downtown Concord by creating a Main Street that is a destination for residents and visitors alike. The project should identify opportunities for new and existing businesses, promote Main Street as a friendly and safe place to be and an attractive place to work, shop, dine, and live. The project should also enhance opportunities for cultural events and gatherings within the downtown.
The public involvement process to understand and achieve this goal was been extensive and included a diverse representation from members of the community with relevant economic and business experience, residents, members of the City staff, members of City Council, property owners, restaurateurs and merchants as well as many more people with an interest in the future of the downtown. The public involvement continued until the project was completed in the fall of 2016.
Because of its potential benefits to the regional transportation and economic network, this project was a top ranking project on the Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission’s (CNHRPC) Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP), and a top priority project of the Concord City Council. Although this project included a significant public-private funding component, federal funds were needed to supplement the final funding package.
The Concord Downtown Complete Streets Improvement Project (or as it came to be know, the Concord Main Street Project) represents the culmination of hard work, extensive public involvement, and context sensitive design that began in the late 1990’s. The regional impacts of this project are significant and will provide lasting, long-term transportation state of repair, safety, livability, sustainability, and economic benefits, all consistent with the TIGER grant criteria for positive long-term outcomes.
-FY2012 TIGER Discretionary Grant Application
-Rethinking Main Street, Final Report