The City of Concord’s first soccer mini pitch is coming soon to Keach Park. Construction will occur over the next few weeks and will be finished by early summer. This project was funded through the City’s FY 23 Capital budget.

Over the past several years there has been a national initiative to build soccer mini pitches around the country. When Parks and Recreation Director David Gill heard about them, he identified Keach Park as the right location for this addition. “This neighborhood, and the entire community love soccer and adding a lighted soccer mini pitch here will allow soccer to be played almost year-round with no impact to grass fields or any increased maintenance costs,” he said.
Ward Nine City Councilor and Mayor Pro Tem Candace White Bouchard has long advocated for her neighborhood. She said, “I was proud to help advocate for the park to be fully renovated in 2004 to include new athletic fields with irrigation, a new parking lot, park access and other improvements. I am very proud that the City’s investment in this neighborhood continues to this day.”
Like many of Concord’s larger parks, Keach Park features several athletic fields, a playground, parking lot, outdoor pool, lighted basketball court and a walking trail around the park. The park is used by the local residents, local youth and adult leagues, and is the main location for the department’s spring and fall outdoor youth soccer leagues. It is also used daily for the department’s numerous summer camps.
For more information on the Parks and Recreation Department please visit their website at: or visit their offices at the City Wide Community Center at 14 Canterbury Road in Concord, NH.
For more information on soccer mini pitches, you can view the U.S. Soccer Foundation video (below) and the U.S. Soccer Foundation Photo Gallery with examples of installations in other places.